
No One Watches More TV Than Me

Real Chance of Love Ep. 7 Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Filed under: Reality TV — denisesays @ 11:09 am



So last night on Real Chance of Love the brothers had kids come to the house to see how the women would react to them. Some of the women did better than others but Corn Fed and Bubbles won the dates. Corn Fed and Real had a great time on their date while Bubbles and Chance did not. Bubbles informed Chance that she was not ready to let her guard down, tears and all. This tid bit of information sent Bubbles packing. Real began to send Bay Bay Bay home over M.I.L.F. who pulled out all her acting skills the entire show to be able to stick around. While Real was giving Bay Bay Bay her goodbye speech he decided to let her stay. He feels like he has a friendship connection with her and not a romantic one but he is letting her stay to see if he can find one.



Next weeks show looks scripted I call bullshit on the play. I was attempting to believe the fight and bottle to the mans head but the police investigation with the VH1 cameras rolling is bullshit they would never allow that. Nonetheless I will tune in and check it out.

Pic- VH1


Real Chance of Love Ep. 6 Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Filed under: Reality TV — denisesays @ 10:39 am



And another one bites the dust… KiKi was sent packing last night and I was happy to see her go. The show competition was based around juicing up BMW’s which I think they both did pretty bad on but the lesser of two evils was the team that included Bay Bay Bay, Corn Fed, M.I.L.F., and Cali. Bay Bay Bay concocted this evil plan to get M.I.L.F. out of the house and antagonized her until M.I.L.F said that Real’s lips were all over her body putting M.I.L.F. in a bad light for telling what goes on behind closed doors. Bay Bay Bay worked every nerve that I had and I could see she was working Real’s nerves as well. When it was time for them to be alone and connect ALL she did was talk bad about M.I.L.F instead of focusing on her and Real. Can we say low self-esteem?! You don’t think you are good enough on your own to stay so you feel you have to attack someone else because the only way to secure your spot is to eliminate someone else. Well she was unsuccessful and KiKi ended up getting the boot. In other news, Rabbit spent time with Real and it appeared they made a connection but the next day Chance gave her 25 seconds of attention so she was confused on who she wanted again. To be sure Real didn’t take his girl Chance offered Rabbit her chain first and she scadaddled down all happy to receive it so needless to say I don’t know who the hell she wants to be with.

Until next week…



Real Chance of Love Ep. 5 Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Filed under: Reality TV — denisesays @ 9:50 am



Brothers Real and Chance are dwindling down the ladies on the show. The show began with a dance competition with America’s Best Dance Crew’s Kaba Modern as a guests on the show. The winners went out to a club with Real and Chance were the brothers performed and dinner followed where KiKi became jealous and felt Real paid her no attention. Which he did not being engulfed with Corn Fed and Bay Bay Bay. The following day was very interesting because Real spent time with Chance’s girls and vice versa. In doing so Real felt he had a connection with Rabbit one of his brothers girls who has been going under the radar but last night she got her chance to shine (no pun intended). Chance was touched by one of his brothers girls K.O. when she talked about not having a family and only having her brother. This all stood for what would be an interesting elimination ceremony, Real tried to give Rabbit a chain after every chain he gave away. Every offer was denied and Rabbit stood her ground that she was there for Chance. I personally think that Rabbit and Real would be great together and from the clips from next weeks episode it appears that they give it a shot. Chance offered K.O. a chain and she completely went off and denied him, tears and all. In the end Meatball went home, one of Chance’s girls who tried to make a connection with Chance the entire show but he wasn’t feelin it. Next week Bay Bay Bay antagonizes M.I.L.F. and Rabbit spends some extra special time with Real.


ko   losers1   winners   performing2 


Here’s VH1’s teaser for next week but you can fill in the names..

The Stallionaires are into their cars, and the challenge of the day is to pimp out some rides for the brothers. Girls from the winning team get a private, drive-in date with the brothers, at the top of the Griffith Park. But when Real picks one of Chance’s girls, the other girls and Chance are shocked. On the date, Chance becomes extremely jealous, and he continuously tries to ruin any possibility of a romantic connection between Real and the girl. Will Chance be able to talk his ex-girl back over to his side? Meanwhile, Real’s girls become jealous of one woman they consider to be an old cougar, with whom Real has a strange and powerful connection. When the girls attack her, she slips with private information about Real and gets herself in hot water.

Until next week…


Real Chance of Love Ep. 4 Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Filed under: TV — denisesays @ 9:55 am



Why do I watch foolishness and then turn around and am pissed that they are acting like classless whores! Well whore no ‘s’, KiKi has lost her damn mind talking about Lusty’s mother who has passed away and walking around the house jumping in peoples faces. I sooo wanted K.O. to knock some sense into her but then again they would have sent her home so it’s good she did not. Real and Chance took the ladies to the barn for them to tend to the animals and a date was awarded to the team that did the best. Though I feel K.O. was robbed because she was picking up animals two at a time while the other girls were pointing and squilling. The winners of the challenge were KiKi and Bubbles **sigh**. On KiKi’s date with Real he told her that she needed to apologize to Lusty so begrudgedly she did. Lusty who we always knew was a couple fries short even from the first episode when she was looking in the mirror and talking to herself got herself in the hot seat. After ‘playfully’ replying mmhmm when Real asked her if she killed her ex boyfriend her crazy ways caught up with her and she was sent home.
