
Jesslyn Katherine

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ka gimana bisa keterima univ di boston

Well, I do work hard by being persistent and discipline with my academic work. At the same time I did various activities that expands my talent and passion such as singing and social justice work. However overall getting accepted in the States - Boston, it was God's plan. Because of Him I am able to make my dream come true. Have faith! While you study hard - remember ONLY GOD CAN HELP YOU THROUGH IT.

hi! gue akan segera naik kelas 3 dan thinking about kuliah dimana jurusan apa sudah mulai menghantui. can you please2 kasih (-) (+) study di luar negeri itu apa? dan yg terpenting pls kasih tips2nya! THANKYOU BGT KALO MAU NULIS PANJANG JAWAB INI!☺️☺️

Wherever you study in the world there will always be positive and negatives. One thing you have to be certain when going to school outside your country is: ARE YOU READY TO BE INDEPENDENT? AND CHALLENGE YOUR ACADEMIC SKILLS?
Being educated beyond Indonesia is not all about high marks - its also about your talents and passion about life. To study outside you have to be passionate with something and with that passion you keep on pursuing - NEVER LOOK BACK! However, there are people who havent figure who they want to be or what degree they want to pursue - dont you worry - you will figure out what you want in the next 1 or 2 years of college. HOW CAN YOU FIGURE THIS OUT? Be active! join various activities and social initiative! Dont be afraid of challenges - be a strong and resilient human being! because remember LIFE IS LIKE A ROCKY ROAD!
Since I dont know what grade '3' you are in, right now what you can do is prepare yourself to do alot of research and activities beyond your school zone and at the same time live life - you are young darling - do have fun. Study toefl - this is important, if you want to study anywhere beyond Indonesia. Also if you want to attend colleges in the States take SATs :) <-- You need to study your shit off for this! It's very hard!
I kind of regret not having too much fun when i was in highschool because i was to pre-occupied on trying to do well and achieve my future goal. however, i was proud that I have work my ass off and gain various experience in life. Getting education in Australia and now United States, I gain a lot of perspectives that help shape my personality and characteristic. I began to appreciate my family sacrifice and the meaning of LIFE. I was also able to discover the meaning of being a woman - a woman as a leader in life and career.
I hope im making sense here. and ask me right away if you want more info. Good luck kid!

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